3.4 C
jeudi, novembre 21, 2024


Das besondere Tier: das Meerschweinchen

Weltweit gibt es viele besondere, einzigartige Tiere. Es handelt sich um Tiere, denen man im wirklichen Leben kaum begegnet und über deren Existenz man...

L’animal spécial : le cochon d’eau

Dans le monde entier, il existe de nombreux animaux uniques et spéciaux. Il s'agit d'animaux que vous avez peu de chances de rencontrer dans...

Calculating petrol

You can calculate your gasoline in a simple way. As an example we will use the following data your car drives 1 in 15....

Sugar free chocolate

There are many types of sugar-free chocolate today. Ideal for still enjoying a piece of chocolate without worrying about the sugars. People with diabetes...

Kalamata olives

Kalamata olives are dark purple and come from southern Greece. You can buy these olives at almost any supermarket. Usually they are used for...
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